If you would like to be considered for membership in PRIDA please feel free to fill out the form below. You must be a Puerto Rican artist or of Puerto Rican descent to qualify for Individual Membership in PRIDA. If you are no an artist or of Puerto Rican descent you can enjoy the benefits of Supporting or Ally membership.
Please feel free to fill out the form below or download, fill out and submit the pdf version of the application. Thank you.
Thank you.
THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED FOR Puerto Rican Institute for the Development of the Arts (PRIDA) BUSINESS ONLY.

Please download and fill out the application form from here.
Be sure to include this info below on the form:
• Contact email
• Art Classification (painter, photographer, crafter, etc.)
• Your website and social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
• Please submit to info@prida.org.