Dedicated to the promotion of Puerto Rican arts and culture
Membership Application – Amigo/Amiga – Free
If you are or are not an artist and would like to support our efforts please submit the application below for Amigo/a FREE membership and pay with a credit card. But if you are an artist remember you can gain more benefits by becoming a Individual Artist Member.
If you would like to be considered for membership in PRIDA please feel free to fill out the form below or download, fill out and submit the pdf version of the application. Thank you.
THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED FOR Puerto Rican Institute for the Development of the Arts (PRIDA) BUSINESS ONLY.
PRIDA Membership Form (Fillable PFD)
Please download and fill out the application form from here.
Art Classification (painter, photographer, crafter, etc.)
Your website and social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
Please submit to
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to PRIDA, please include it with this application. Please send us a check/money order made out to “Puerto Rican Institute for the Development of the Arts” or you can use the button below. Thank you.
Newsletter: In order to save valuable time, energy and money, our newsletter and bulletins are sent to your email each month. If you do not have a computer and would like a copy of the newsletter mailed to you, please send us an email
*Volunteers are the life blood of any organization. Without your help, we would not be able to provide the demos, workshops, events, and all the other benefits to our members. Volunteer participation is critical in our efforts to reach out to the community, if you have an idea, we want to support it! Please consider how you would like to volunteer this year and email us at
** All members are encouraged to volunteer in some capacity in PRIDA.